Open COVID19
In regions with limited composting infrastructure, what strategies can be employed to ensure the proper disposal of cornstarch tableware?
Signs to print and post to help establishments communicate with their customers and staff the steps they are taking to minimize the risk of COVID-19.
Academany scholarship!
Masks & Robots Trainings at 3D Experience Lab
The Bizarre Way We Track Fake Virus Particles That Shouldn't Work
Easy links to monitor COVID Vaccine approval & distribution
High-tech face masks are embracing UVC light for the ultimate in protection
COVID performance data by country
Therapeutically administered ribonucleoside
Simulation-based feedback for popular face mask designs in COVID-19 Ideation Funnel
COVID-19 Initiative @Tokyo office 東京オフィスで環境の構築を
Here's what we still don't know about a COVID-19 vaccine, according to an expert
OPEN COVID19 Community - Welcome any volunteers to is how you can help
Sample - template to use
First Anti pollution face mask customized to the user's morphology will be soon available to the market
Enhanced Brazil face-shield with Clip-on top
How Simulation helped GEA to re-open the Cantine
Biodegradable mask made in France
Mask materials compared
Save your ears, wear a mask strap
Mask, made in Italy
MIT Course Biology Course Free and Open to the Public
The Covtech Ventilation System for the ventilation of PPE suits.
Current Customer wants to work with the 3D Experience Lab on a project
Le masque transparent made in France
UV Sterilizer Box
Fab Lab Cuenca covid-19 Community Response
Fab Lab Cuenca covid-19 Community Response
COVID space planning
Printable mask hook
Hideamask : A clever hat with a hidden mask
BioVYZR: Venture Out & Breathe Easy
Harvard University provides 'Mechanical Ventilation for COVID-19' course via Edx
3D Language
Necklace for face protection
PRECIMASK : Unlimited use thanks to unique, durable and patented ceramic particle filtration system.
Anatomical head support for the ICU
COVID-19 innovation
First Mexican ventilator prototype
Public transportation gadget
The Atmos is a personal, portable powered respiratory device, that has been independently validated to be up to 25 times better than N95 masks.
The Distributed Community Factory
COVID-19 ventilator project in Colombia
collective wear of face shields
'WISC' Design from University of Wisconsin-Madison
My Joker smile (Visor on mouth).
The Lab hook opens door, a collaborative and innovative creation to counter the Covid19
Free design and manufacturing advice
handle + case
REPORT / Covid19 Trends and perspectives
The 3D-printed 'AirShield' device to make air travel safer
Transparent face mask startup inhales $1M seed round - TechCrunch
3DEXPERIENCE WORKS in action with "Helpful Engineers" for the design of N95 alternative half-face respirator
MIT initiates mass manufacture of disposable face shields for Covid-19 response
ExactCure's Digital Twin for Covid-19
3dPrinted Baseball cap Visors
Scale and 3DPrinting Face Shields
For long-term use of masks.
ME2300 UV-Clean Adapted Facemask for Babies
3DEXPERIENCE WORKS (SOLIDWORKS) helps Maryland doctor in converting CPAP machines into Ventilators!. Features in the Wall Street Journal
Face-mask disinfection device
Magic Key
Looking for projects
Michelin and CEA Grenoble are developing a reusable mask on CATIA
An open source tool called 'Handy'
Open-Source Arm-Door Opener
KcalMe, an unique wellness app with 3D experience for exiting the lock-down
Masque tueur de virus
Simulation 3 microns et 2 écrans
Brainsight.AI : for better psycho-social support for COVID19
Machine tueuse de virus et amélioratrice du système immunitaire
3DS Campus - Door Openers
Afghanistan's all-girl robotics team has turned it focus on coronavirus patients - by making affordable ventilators out of car parts.
OpenBreath ventilator
ME2300 UV-Clean Face Shield Design
Laser Cut Masks Shield
ME-2300 GOTG - Face Shield Design
VENTIVIDA Ventilator
SINE-IITB Startups | Device for receiving and enhancing lung sounds
StartupIndia | Ozone-Based Sanitization Device
Sanitizer Dispenser
Full-Body Disinfection chamber by INALI
Stuck Design
Licencing your content
How to Manufacture
Data Intelligence
How to publish an Idea / Project
La Fondation Dassault Systèmes - Call for Projects
Bellow design for Ventilator and CFD validation
Produce an automated process to create custom masks
Brainsight.AI : for better psycho-social support for COVID19
Reanimation Valves
StartupIndia | Air and Surface Disinfection
StartupIndia | Negative Oxygen Ion Generator for Disinfection
Hands Free Door Openers IDEAs
StartupIndia | Self-sterilizing Multi-block Polymer
StartupIndia | Virtual Queuing Platform