Research, design and development of a 3D printed swab to perform nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal sampling tests for the molecular diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection by RT-PCR in Uruguay. The technology used was Fused Filament Fabrication 3D printing using Thermoplastic Polyurethane Filament and Polypropylene stem.

Regarding the declaration of Health emergency caused by the Covid-19 Global pandemic, and due to the lack of supplies for viral diagnosis, the Digital Fabrication Laboratory of Montevideo (FabLab.MVD), collaborated with the School of Chemistry in the research, design and development of a kit to perform nasopharyngeal tests of COVID-19. This set of reagents included a tube with a transport solution and a 3D printed swab, both developed together and coordinated with a group of professionals from various fields of the University of the Republic.


FabLab MVD was responsible for designing, testing and producing the two types of swabs to perform tests that integrates the kit. The project involved the study of several swab head designs -more than 100 prototypes were made-, to be produced with the supplies currently available in Uruguay, and their subsequent sterility control, field validation and authorization of use by the Ministry of Public Health


