Licencing your content

Dear Community User,

Thank you for participating in the Open Covid19 Community. Very promising designs and ideas have been shared to fight the viral pandemic.

As a result of this common effort, many supplies in protections and medical equipment have been provided to medical staff and hospitals in need.

Recent feedback from doctors and medical staff have proven the efficiency of such initiative, and it really encourages us to pursue our goal through this community.

The Open Covid-19 Community aims at integrity and transparency toward the authors of posted content. Therefore, we are very careful with the terms and conditions under which content is made available to users of this Community.

For this reason, to continue sharing ideas in a safe and efficient way, whether you want to share content you are the author with, or content from third parties, we are asking you to mention the license terms related to any content you are posting.

If you have not yet decided under which terms and conditions you want to share your content, or if you are willing to change these terms and conditions, we suggest that you consider licensing it under the Open COVID License 1.0.           

Thank you for your understanding.