Guidelines for Using this Community:
This community enables you to connect with other makers, exchange information and/or post a wide variety of content directly.
In addition to the Terms of Use that each user accepts when they join the community and the 3DS Code of Business Conduct, the following rules are the participation guidelines for this community.
Please DO:
- Contribute to the community with a positive attitude
- Be ethical, honest, courteous, and professional
- Reference contributions of other members related to the topic you address
- Include quotes from a referenced post if you are responding to a post or thread
- "Like" posts you have read and appreciate
- Subscribe to discussions of interest
- Report content in breach of these guidelines
- Make Contributions intended to bring value to the community/its members
- Make your contribution professional in nature (political, religious or sexual-linked posts, for example, are not accepted. Neither is advertising)
Please DO NOT:
- Use abusive or offensive language
- Post political, religious or sexual-linked posts
- Post advertisements for products and/or services
- Troll or "flame" other members
- Share confidential information or trade secrets
If you fail to follow the rules, we will ask you politely to stop misbehaving via direct contact. If the misbehaving continues, the MAKERS community manager reserves the right to:
- Remove posts, comments and any other content that does not meet these guidelines
- Revoke the individual maker’s access to the community
The Other Fine Details:
You are prohibited from uploading, reproducing, posting, displaying, licensing, sub-licensing or otherwise making available any contribution that is offensive, inappropriate, unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortuous, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, invasive of other's privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable or contrary to all applicable laws and regulations
You must not knowingly communicate information that is untrue or deceptive. You are also advised to use your real name and be clear about your role
You acknowledge that Dassault Systèmes ("3DS") may edit, remove, or disclose any contribution if required to do so by law or by a public authority and/or if such access, edition, removal or disclosure is reasonably necessary to enforce the community guidelines. For more information, please access and read the 3DS Code of Business Conduct.
You can report to 3DS any contribution found inappropriate in a community, by using the “Report abuse” option made available within this and any of the 3DSwym communities. The report will be reviewed by the platform administrator and appropriate action will be taken.
You also acknowledge that a business and ethics representative of 3DS may be a User of any community and therefore can access to any contribution posted in these Communities in order to preserve compliance with standard business ethics, 3DS Code of Business Conduct and any other applicable rules.
Use of Contributions posted on Communities
By joining and interacting in this community, you agree to grant any User of the community a right to use, print, download, reproduce or display any contributions on its own computer, other websites, social networks and communities, as long as (i) each contribution is presented as part of the related community and the proprietary notices are not removed, (ii) there is no commercial or for-profit use of the related contribution, (iii) there is no modification or adaptation of the related contribution, (iv) there are no graphics of the related contribution that are used separately from the corresponding text.
Additional Support:
Please visit the MAKERS | Support community for further assistance.