How to edit my publication in HomeByMe

Why would I want to edit my publication in HomeByMe?

When editing your HomeByMe content, you are allowed to change the name, description, and category of your model. It is entirely possible that you may have used the incorrect name for your model when publishing and you wish to change it to something more suitable for the public. It's also entirely possible that you might want to add your email or personal online store link to the description, so other users can contact you directly for other Maker-related activities pertaining to that model. It is considered a good practice to add in the name of the original Maker if your post is based off of someone else's.

Edit in HomeByMe Workflow:

  1. Make sure you have published the model to HomeByMe
    1. If your model is particularly complex or has many materials, it may take several minutes for your model to index and be visible in HomeByMe. Don't worry, your post isn't missing!
  2. Navigate to "My Profile", then select "My Content"
  3. Hover over the model you would like to edit until the icon becomes visible
  4. Select the edit icon
  5. Edit the name, description, or category as desired
  6. Select "Validate" and you're done!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​