Why should I add tags to my Swym post?
Not only does this help keep the community organized, but it helps you find the content you care about the most, faster! For example, if you are interested in models that have been published to HomeByMe so you can download and customize them to repost for your home design, you would use the 6W tagger to search for HomeByMe media.
Edit Swym post Workflow:
- Make sure you have already published your model to Swym. If you have published to HomeByMe, a Swym post was made automatically for you. For instructions on how to do that, go here.
- Find your associated post in the MAKERS | Made In 3D community
- Select the arrow on the top right corner of your post and select "edit"
- Somewhere in your post, include any relevant tags by typing # followed by text. Here are some major tags, using the "What" category (cube symbol):
- Cosplay: MAKERScosplay - anything in the realm of cosplay, clothing, or fan-made replicas
- Home Décor: MAKERSdecor - furniture and classic interior or exterior decorations
- Woodworking: MAKERSwoodworking - creations made out of wood
- Made in 3D: MAKERSmadein3d - generic 3D printed decorative models or items that don't fit the other categories
- If you published your model to HomeByMe, add the HomeByMe tag ("Where" category)
- Feel free to include any additional information or images to make your post complete
- When you are finished, hit "Publish" on the bottom right corner of the editing window