Xenomorph (aka Alien) bust

Hello everyone!

A friend of mine who is studying jewelry and design currently is working on a design project inspired by multiple body shapes, one of which is the xenomorph, a creature created by the Swiss artist H. R. Giger and most commonly known as the 'Alien' creature in the eponymous franchise. To help her in her project and enrich it, she asked me if it would be possible to print the following xenomorph's bust 3D model. It would also help her to better visualize the shapes and lines of the creature so as to better design her other project's creations. This 3 model is composed of 2 parts: the main body and the second 'inner' jaw of the alien that will later be glued in place in the final assembly process. I have attached both .stl files for each part and a capture of the 3D model to give you an idea of the final result.

Thanks in advance for your help!

