To realign the content in the spirit of this community's mission statement and to keep this community as a central spot for those who want to share their creations with other Makers around the world, the community owners will be applying changes through the community settings and various actions.
What will change?
- The Question feature in this community has been disabled. If you have a support-related question, please ask in the MAKERS | Support community.
- Content that is unrelated to sharing Makers creations or is not aligned with the community mission will be removed.
- Posts that are MAKERS support-type questions will be recreated by a community owner in the MAKERS | Support community for addressing and the Original Posting (OP) will be removed.
- Abusive entries or comments/replies, spam or any other content that violate the 3DSwym Terms of Use (TOU) or the community guidelines will be removed from the community.
What will stay the same?
- People who have purchased the 3DEXPERIENCE SOLIDWORKS for Makers offer will continue to have Author access to the community; this access level allows you to create Posts and engage or respond with comments on entries by other MAKERS.
- This community will still be the place to visit to share your designs and get inspired!
If there is any feedback, please feel free to reply to this post.
Thank you,
The MAKERS | Made in 3D community Owners team
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