Weekly Digest - N°1

What happened this week on the 3D Printing world? This Weekly Digest is for anyone who wants to learn more about 3D printing and share their own 3DPrinting experience to the others. 



1- PARIS: Fabshop, a new 3D Printing workshop takes place until 30 March at the “Pavillon de l'Arsenal” 

Rapid prototyping is often used in the industry since many many years. Today, 3D printers become commonplace and democratized. It is what the FabShop in Paris wants to prove.  

 The machines are made by Makerbot which was one of the first maker player and one of the biggest.

If you live in Paris and if you want to learn more abour 3D printing, you still have 2 more weeks to discover 3D printing in action. 

More info: http://www.pavillon-arsenal.com/en/expositions/thema_modele.php?id_exposition=275


2- Surgeons use 3D printed splint to save another baby's life


Professor Scott Hollister and Dr. Glenn Green at University of Michigan (U-M) have done it again by teaming up to design and implant a 3-D printed tracheal splint, saving another child's life.

Garrett Peterson, only 18 months old, out of Layton, Utah, has never gone home, spending his days in hospital beds tethered to ventilators that even at the highest settings couldn't prevent his breathing from periodically stopping.



The experiement in video: http://youtu.be/xiTHKH2bQN8

Watch a demo of 3D printing saving child life: http://youtu.be/Iflca2KQWP4


3- Designer Francis Bitonti and Makerbot 3D print fabulous flexible dress



When you think of polygons, you don't typically think of a cutting edge piece of clothing. But designer Francis Bitonti has changed that by working with Makerbot and students to design and 3D-print a delicate dress using clear and flexible filaments and Makerbot Replicator 2 3D printers.



The Bristle Dress will be shown at the New York MakerBot Store during the month of April and then at a culminating exhibition at Ravensbourne in London this summer. The Bristle Dress is customizable and available for download from Thingiverse so it can be 3D printed at home.



Watch the video below designer Francis Bitonti talks about his Bristle Dress:









4- 3D print a pair of futuristic flexible sneakers at home with FilaFlex

Recreus, a Spanish filament producer, has unveiled a pair of Sneakerbot II 3D printed sneakers which can be folded up and stuffed into a small bag when needed.

Video of the 3D printing: http://youtu.be/tH4ppW-p8JQ

















5- First 3D printing café opens its doors in Berlin (Germany)

There's no shortage of cafes in Berlin. But for those with more tactile creative pursuits, the traditional coffee shop scene isn't conducive to experimenting with the latest in technology. Specific needs like these are what caused Norma Barr and Amin Torabi to open DimensionAlley 3D printing Cafe in the heart of Berlin in December 2013.


"It is captivating, watching an object that you have designed materialise, layer-by-layer, before your eyes," said Norma Barr, co-founder.

"A lot of people tell us that at first they didn't see how this new technology might help their work or life, but once they see 3D printing in action, they're hooked and want to come up with new projects!"


Dassault systèmes & 3D Printing news: 

-          Dassault Systèmes & the American Stratasys are working together on the “Bleu” project.