Weekly Digest - N°12

The world’s first and best 3D printing pen just got even better

How does it work?

Compact and easy to use, the 3Doodler extrudes heated plastic that cools almost instantly into a solid, stable structure; and with no computers or software needed, the possibilities are limited only by your imagination. Simply plug your 3Doodler into a power socket and start drawing anything within minutes.

If you can scribble, trace or wave a finger in the air you can use a 3Doodler.


Source : Kickstarter










3D Documents and Future Fonts

Textscapes merges font design with 3D printing to generate letter-sized 3D documents to visually (and tangibly) profile the subject matter of the texts, such as cities, landscapes or figures. These documents make the reading process an interactive, artistic experience not only for the general audience but blind individual as well.

This series has variations of braille, different language characters, calligraphies, and number systems to bridge the text and is visuality in architecture, landscape, portraits and abstract matters. Check out Central Park in the text about NYC!

Other participating artists are Tyler Francisco, Rhealyn Dalere and Chin Fang Chen from the School of Architecture at the University of Hawaii-Manoa.

Designer: Hongtao Zhou

Source : yankodesign



3D Hubs Kicks Off 2015 with its January 3D Printing Trends Report

At the start of the new year, distributed 3D printing network 3D Hubs has released its first monthly trend report.  The 3D Hubs trend reports analyzes the uses and opinions of both desktop and industrial 3D printing in the 3D Hubs community, but their user base is mainly users and owners of desktop 3D printers.  The statistics are taken from 3D Hubs’ user base, which has finally grown past 10,000 users (10,521 exactly), a milestone they’ve been anticipating for quite some time. Let's see some of the results.

Most Wanted 3D Printers: Ultimaker 2 and Form 1+

                                                                                                               Remember that our Fablab is equipped with the Form 1+


Most Popular Use: Prototypes

Find all the results here : Results

Source : 3dprintingindustry