Every now and then you need something 'non-standard' - It happened to me this weekend while I was working on a little project in the shed . . .
Background: A few years ago we built a shed in our backyard. I had the crazy idea of putting an old projector near the ceiling so that it would project through the window. With a portable screen, we could have movies in the backyard! The projector would be safe in the shed and protected from the elements! I have a stereo in the shed that could be used for the audio, but it would need to be pretty loud for everyone in the backyard to hear it - which means that we would very likely disturb the neighbors. Enter the FM transmitter - With this device, people can bring headphones, radios, basically anything that can receive an FM signal, and they can tune in to the broadcast frequency to hear the movie on their device!
While I was mounting everything, I needed to put the FM transmitter in an easily accessible location. This is where the bracket comes in - I wanted to mount it close to the projector, so I thought that on the wall just below the windows would be perfect. After searching through random brackets and spare parts, I thought "Why not just print something?"
I wanted to expand my horizons with this little project, so I did ALL of the design with xDesign on my iPad (using my Apple Pencil for everything.) After using SOLIDWORKS for 20+ years with a mouse and 3DConnexion controller, this was a significant change for me. It was a lot of fun, and I foresee more of this in my future - it was really nice to just walk around with a tablet, create the design, and make adjustments as needed.
Software: xDesign
Hardware: iPad / Apple Pencil
Printer: Sindoh 3DWox1
Material: PLA