When his grandfather passed away, a very good friend of mine inherited a 1972 Peugeot 102 moped. He decided to restore it and to breathe new life into it.
After many hours of work, he is almost done! However, most of the plastic parts did not age well, and 50 years later, they are broken or missing.
These parts are very hard to find in a good condition, as you can see here:
Therefore, my friend created a floor board from a painted piece of wood. It would have been great to be able to scan this part and reverse engineer it in 3D, or use photogrammetry to recreate it. But as explained earlier it's very hard to find original parts to scan.
As an alternative I thought that it would be possible to model replacement parts using our tools, and 3D print them. In order to get the right dimensions, it could be interesting to start from an existing model, like this one:
I have uploaded the corresponding 3d file. Would it be possible to 3D print it at scale 1:1 and see how well it fits?