I use Maker-version of SW for all sorts of small private projects but was considering to upgrade to Premium. I have this small project that I would like to explore and maybe commercialize. How ever, I asked a friend of mine who uses Premium professionally to help me check a part that I had problems with and we quickly realized this was not possible and I could not get help with a operation that I wanted him to help/teach me. Premium will not allow to open Maker files.
Which leads me to my question
- The files which I have created in Maker, and if I upgrade to Premium, will they be openable in their native format (SLDPRT) or am I forced to redesign everything to keep editable/history files?
Is it possible to get help from Dassault/SW-team to help convert the files from Maker to Premium once/if this upgrade happens?
Thanks for taking time and reading/answering my question