The design
The Gimbal design is made on the 3DExperience plateform with Catia V6 as a modeling application. To find out more about the 3DExpérience, follow the link : 3dexperience-platform
The V-cycle (requirement management & fonctionnal analysis) lead to the physical design.
The first step is the the model making of all electrical & external components : night camera, day camera, controler board, IMU board, brushless direct drive motors, battery). As re-designing something already existing bring no value at all, we found almost every 3D models on the web or by asking manufacturer. However, it is decided that the wiring harness will not be represented on the numerical mock-up.
The next step is the research of the best product architecture. There are a lot of functionnal constraints : find the good balance, allow the maximal angular clearance on each axis (roll, tilt & pan), etc.
Then the design of the structural parts is made. Here is where the 3D printing change the way of designing. Designing a square hole is not idiotic anymore for a mock-up. Here is some typical 3D printing design :