Tetrahedron printing test

Hello everybody,

Through this project, I would  to test to create a mechanical system with the 3D printing technologies of FabLab.


This object is a tetrahedron which change  color  thanks to a unfoldable system.


For realize this mechanism with a 3D printing process of FabLab, I decompose my object into several part.



The assembly is like to a sandwich.


So, in first step I wish to realize just one face for check the assembly system. In second step, I hope can realize the entire model. If it's possible, I would like to use the 2 3D printers for create 2 various color faces.


Enjoy =)


The first printing test.

The material is the PLA. The thickness of the faces are too short. Rods are also too short  and rods' holes are too close. Therefore, the assembly is impossible because of the retraction of matter.

So the next solution consist to increase thickness of parts, diameters of rods' holes and rods.

I hope that it will work  :)


The second printing test

This time, the material is the ABS. The wire is stronger as the PLA and my holes are stoppered. The different parts are so coarse and the assembly is impossible.

So I decided to double the size of my model in order to avoid the different problems linked to the limit of the machines.


The latest printing test.

I'm very satisfied by the result because the assembly is good and the parts are correct.

So, now I hope to launch the 12 other blocks with the 2 3D-printers for have 2various colors and for finish the model =)