For a future wedding proposal, I would like to build an engagement ring box.
The theme of the wedding will be the british TV programme "Doctor Who". That's why the box would look like a "Tardis". It's a blue police box which is able to travel through space and time and which is bigger on the inside (which is nice for the engagement ring symbol :) ).
Sébastien Rosel has kindly introduced me to the technics that I could use to realize my project.
The design of the box is made of multiple parts that are laser-cut on wood boards (3mm and 10mm thick) which fit all together.The windows and transparent elements are made of plexiglass.The lamp is built via 3D print.
The box can be opened via the front doors but there is also the possibility to remove the top to place a battery in order to install a little electronic circuit inside with some leds to enlight the ring.
You can find attached a preview of the digital material used to build the box and a CATIA capture of this little Tardis in time traveler 's style.
I'll post more pictures during the progress of this project.
Update 10/21/2016
Sébastien gave me the pieces last week (thank you ^^). Here you can find a video of the laser cut and a picture of the result.
Update 11/15/2016
The box is finally built and fully functional. There was no mistake in the model. However it was very touchy to assemble all the parts because of the thickness of the glue, the space in the box to organise all the electronic elements, and because of the shape of the laser (when two parts were perpendiculars they didn't fit well in each other).
The electronic part was very funny to do. I used an Arduino Nano that I programmed to receive IR commands and to produce this waving effect for the lights. The IR commands come from a universal remote which has the shape of the Doctor's sonic screwdriver.
Some close people helped me a lot to finish this little Tardis (especially for the soldering and the woodworking). Here you can find a picture of a "work in progress" state and the final result as a video.
Thanks again Sébastien for all.
And by the way, she said "yes" ! :D