Model Mania 2006 - 2013
Hello everyone 👋 In honor of the Celtic's triumph, I have modelled and 3D printed the 2006 - 2013 SOLIDWORKS Model Mania challenge parts in an array of green and white! Each of these were a fun endeavor that helped me work on specific design tricks and my modeling speed in SOLIDWORKS.
Design Process: 2010
My favorite part from the bunch is 2010 (front right). While this part initially seemed tricky to recreate in SOLIDWORKS, I was able to utilize much of my new knowledge from completing the other Model Mania parts, making this one a walk in the park. I started with an initial right plane sketch of the length wise profile. From here, I simply extruded the profile to the maximum width of the part.
Now, I had to deal with the complex Y shape geometry of the arms. Although appearing a difficult feat, I quickly realized all I had to do was once again sketch the profile on the top plane and cut through the first extrusion. Using the "through all" option for my extruded cut, I was able to capture the entire geometry in one move. All that was left was to add some fillets and I was done after using only three features!
The SOLIDWORKS Model Mania challenge has changed the way I approach CAD and helped me streamline my modeling. I highly recommend the challenge to anyone looking to improve their design skills in SOLIDWORKS.
Now on to Model Mania 2014 and beyond!