SOLIDWORKS - Classic Mjolnir

Hello everyone! I wanted to share with you a few renders of a design I made of Thor's hammer Mjolnir, but a depiction of the hammer based more closely to Norse mythology and the GOW games. Throughout my designing journey, I leveraged a variety of tools in SOLIDWORKS, including the helix and sweep features to make the more complex curved features in the hammer. I used SOLIDWORKS Visualize to create the renders of the hammer, which was a great learning experience as I had never used the software before. Here are the results:

Here's a front view of the model in base SOLIDWORKS:


Additionally, I was able to use the resin 3D printers in the Waltham FABLAB to bring my design to life.


Overall, I was really happy with the results of my model, and I learned how to use many different parametric SOLIDWORKS features, SOLIDWORKS visualize, and resin 3D printing software in the process. It was a successful design and print and I'm glad it came out well.