Snap Together Marbel Maze !!

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I’m excited to share that I’ve just finished my first model using xDesign!
It's a " Snap Together Marbel Maze" Game.!!

The Snap-Together Marble Maze is a modular puzzle game that combines creativity and problem-solving. 
Designed in xDesign, this maze features interlocking pieces that allow players to assemble and disassemble the game as per their convenience of carrying it.
The pieces are precision-engineered to fit together securely, providing an easy yet challenging experience as players guide a marble from the start to the finish.

The maze includes various pathways, obstacles and exit holes to increase the difficulty, 
I used xDesign’s assembly features to ensure each piece fits perfectly together. 
The game can be printed in durable plastic, making it easy to assemble without additional tools.

Components Used:

  • 2 Rotating Knobs.
  • Stand for supporting Maze.
  • Maze (with obstacles & exit holes)
  • Connecting Mechanism (Joint between Knob & Joining hands)
  • Joining hands (Joint between connecting mechanism & Maze)

How it Works:

The player has to rotate the knob. After rotating the knob, the connecting mechanism will turn, ultimately rotating the joining hands. This will result in tilting the maze, which is attached to the joining hands. The maze contains various obstacles, such as barriers and holes, that players need to work around in order to guide the marble from the starting point to the finish point.

It’s been a learning adventure for me! I will continue to explore, refine my skills and come up with new exciting models again.!!

Design (xDesign):


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3DXML File: