Secondary school students - virtual event


Already 3 years have passed since the last time I tried to 3D scan some students:


This year, the students were learning about their potential future jobs from home, due to the pandemic, so I was not able to scan them directly with the usual hardware, but this lead to new opportunities!

All the students having access to an iPhone with Face ID had to ask a family member to scan them. A few of them managed to send me some very nice 3D scans!

However, others had a hard time using the front facing camera, which lead to partial scans, with holes.

I thought it would be nice to create some sort of medal / coin / bas-relief, for a change. I'd love to see how it looks like once 3D-printed.

Some students did not have access to any kind of 3D camera. So I experimented with some Machine Learning-based 3D reconstruction algorithms, such as PiFU HD, which can infer a 3D model from a single picture! I had to use another algorithm for the face though, since it was way too low-resolution. This involved a lot of manual tweaking (flipping normals, smoothing, combining meshes etc.) to get something decent, but here too I was curious to see how far I could go, this time from a single photo!

I cannot post all the models here (most of them are way too heavy!). Could you help me bring some joy to these students in this never-ending world of social distancing and virtual-only events?