Running SolidWorks from the Start Menu

Hi; Thank you for offering SolidWorks in a Maker Community Edition form which we can use for self study purposes.

I do appreciate being able to see the software operate in its full enterprise capacity, with the same 3D experience SaaS cloud platform and the collaborative tools that commercial clients would see.

With that being said, I am aware there are limitation on the files I can open, no commercial drawings can be shared with the maker community for example, and the cloud collaborative tools would have similar limitations.

Could I please ask why, therefore, the SolidWorks application must be launched from a web browser? I may want to run this tool locally using a start menu shortcut the same way as my other applications, and take the opportunity to selectively bring some local files to the cloud within the application when warranted, just as we can for Microsoft Office with OneDrive and Adobe Illustrator with Creative Cloud.

I have no doubt the 3DExperience platform is an essential collaborative component of the maker community; however, I would like the opportunity to run through tutorials and the time to construct my own models, so that I have something of my own substance to bring to the community by the time I take the next step of learning how the cloud collaborative service functions.
