Rubik's Cube Solver

We are glad to share that, recently we have completed first phase of building A Rubik's Cube Solving robot.

The robot is designed to showcase the practical applications of our technology within the Maker's Space Specially 3D Creator (xDesign)

It’s a fantastic example of how these tools can bring ideas to life, bridging the gap between imagination and real-world implementation.

Building something around worlds best selling toy of all time was indeed a fun experience.







We started with few references from internet but decided to build our own version. This project includes following major elements.

  1. 3D design (xDesign)
  2. Electronic circuit design and wire routing
  3. Arduino code setup 
  4. Creating software to run robot and solver integration (Python)
  5. 3D Printing. (3DEXPERIENCE Lab)
  6. Servo motor calibration

Phase 2 Enhancement: 

  1. Camera integration to input cube details automatically.

  2. Make this robot faster

  3. New casing for easy maintenance and better locking


Team Members:


Thank You 3DEXPERIENCE lab:

@SG @RK 



