'Twas three nights before Christmas and all through the lab
Not a creature was making except for me, Gab(e)
I'm an engineer not a poet so I'll stop now.
A couple family members had recently or were getting smart watches for Christmas and I wanted to make them an accessory. Usually before reaching for CAD I like to see if someone has done the work for me as a starting point, and Thingiverse did not disappoint.
License: Apple Watch Charging Dock
by jsc is licensed under the Creative Commons - Attribution license.
I started with a STL and brought it into SOLIDWORKS for Makers and got creative. The newish mesh modelling mode made it easy to add some cat ears and it was off to the printers. The one on the right was printed on a Sindoh with my daughters decorating touches, and the left one on a Prusa.
I have lots of ideas on making improvements and will likely do that soon. I want to add a separate base piece which can be mounted semi permanently which the top can snap into.