Ram pipes for classic car carburetor


POWER!!! Or at least a little more 🙂 

It's common for performance engines to have ram pipes to accelerate the air going through the throttle bodies or carburetors. Faster air = more air going into the engine = more power:

And to protect the engine from dust, the ram pipes can be mounted inside the air filter:

So, of course I'd like to have ram pipes for my classic car's carburetor inside the air filter:

Unfortunately they don't exist for my Weber 28/36 DCD carburetor 😞 

So I modelled one! 😄 

I'm looking forward to printing this, just need to find the right material to resist the temperature and make sure that the base is smooth to have a good air seal.


UPDATE 23rd October


@SR and @BF very kindly helped me print the model, here's some pics:


Straight out of the printer:

After brushing the nylon powder off the part:


The pipes sitting on my half rebuilt carburettor, everything lines up nicely!!


Next step is to finish the carburettor restoration and test it in the car :-)