Printathon @ Paris NUMA now launched !

Hi Everyone,

Just to let you know that the first printathon in NUMA (Paris) was launched this Tuesday evening. In partnership with Dassault Systèmes, Sculpteo, Eolipyle and CKAB, the event will continue mostly on Saturday Nov. 30th, all day long.

The concept of the printathon in few words:

The NUMA was recently created from La Cantine in a newly refreshed building inside "le Sentier" area in Paris. The installation being very recent, there are still plenty of little details / devices / tools / gadgets that are missing for the NUMA to be a perfect co-working environment. The participants to the printathon are required to imagine, design, model in 3D, and then print in 3D all those "missing" objects that will make NUMA's life easier.

Below are some of the first ideas popping up in participant minds and some places full of "3D Printing potential":


SolidWorks introduction to some participants.:        Sculpteo's explanations about 3D printing techniques

We will keep you posted on Saturday, and of course when the projects will be released in full daylight :-)