Sitting on the front of the chair seat and touching the top of the chairback seems to be a good “bad posture” pattern. If system could detect pressure on such parts of the chair, we could remind the user to adjust the sitting posture.
Aim: Improve user sitting posture at the desk
Main Objective: Detect bad sitting posture and notify the user
Secondary Objective: Detect long period of sitting and suggest streching / break time
Bonus Objective: Generate adjustable heat from the seat
Personal Objectives: Experience, Learning (electronic, DIY ,3D Printing)
Main Requirements:
Security (no fire)
Confort (no feel of any device while sitting)
3D Printed elements when possible
Customization (sensor sensitivity, replacable chair seat ?)
Identifies difficulties
Avoid setting the chairseat on fire
Accuracy in bad posture detection (should not consider every move as matching a bad posture pattern)
Power (batteries or wires to the desk)
Manage human physiological differences ( short/long legs, light/less light people, large / tight bottom, feet touching floor or not…)
Main steps
Related to main objective
Definition of bad & good posture pattern on chair seat and chairback
Define sensors to detect patterns with real user sitting
Notify bad posture in potential various ways
Bluetoothly activated LED on the desk
Vibration from the seat
Electric shock (really motivated people)
Related to secondary Objective
Timer that counts sitting time
Notify long period of sitting
Related to bonus objective
Find heat generation system
Adapt it to the chair
Main parts to build
The system will be composed of :
Weight distribution sensors integrated in the chair seat and the chairback.
Wireless data exchange module
Vibration generators
Heat generator