Pebble Smartwatch Charger Stand

Good Morning!

Over the Christmas break, I received my first 3D printer (a low-cost Kickstarter Delta-Printer) and was able to print my first object!

I was able to obtain STLs of my Pebble Smartwatch watch and the charger cord, and then insert them into a product.

I designed the stand to accept the charger in a press-fit tolerance, and fit on the stand with a typical wrist diameter for the strap.

The charger is magnetic, so it turns out I didn't need any strap supports, but I think it makes the stand look nice.

Also, the gap and thickness allows it to fit perfectly into the space between my bedside dresser drawers, so it can be mounted easily without any fasteners.  That was more a lucky break than any planning, on my part.  =P


Happy New year!