Ouroboros Drill Bit Storage!

If you have a set of drill bits, chances are they came in a handy case to keep them all organized. These cases are great for storage and portability, but we wanted to have a bit of fun with our drill bit storage solution and put the tools on display and within easy reach from our drill press.

The inspiration came from a simple wooden crayon holder that I remember loving as a child:

Image Courtesy of Dreamzberry

We brainstormed ideas using two awesome 3DEXPERIENCE Platform apps that come with your SOLIDWORKS for Makers license... 3DSketch and 3DWhiteboard.

I opened 3DSketch on my iPad and used my stylus to draw a hedge hog inspired wooden holder...

...and then Chinloo used 3DWhiteboard on her MacBook to gather together all of our ideas. She placed images, notes, and my 3DSketch onto the infinite whiteboard, and then began drawing her ideas for a Mario Brothers inspired solution.

Seeing Bowser like that, made me recall the awesome immunity idol from a recent season of Survivor, so I showed it to Chinloo and she loved it too!

So we got to work designing our version. Here's what we came up with:

Be sure to check out the full video where we talk through our process and show how we made it!



If you'd like to make one of you own, you can download this 3DXML of the xDesign model:

...or this ZIP file that contains the 3DXML as well as the DXF files for CNC. 

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