Hello Everyone,
I'm Kiran Nikwade & Here is my proposition.
I Introduced to "Newt Lamp - Double Air Walker Movement Of Handle Bars Powered Street Lamp" , for MAY Session of the CATIA Design Contest on the topic of World Light Day.
Designed in: 3DEXPERIENCE CATIA (Mechanical & Shape Design) & Realtime Human
Rendered in: 3DEXPERIENCE CATIA Live Rendering
Whenever it comes to green technology, the headlines are always grabbed by the more ‘conventional’ renewable sources of energy like wind and sun. Of course, statistically speaking, such forms of energy contribute to more than 18 percent of total electricity generation in the whole wide world.
The Newt-Air Walker Movement of handle bars Powered Street Lamp is a sustainable and innovative solution that combines human power with renewable energy to provide lighting for urban areas. It is designed to harness the energy generated by movement of handle bars and convert it into electricity to power a street lamp.
Here's how the Newt Lamp-Air Walker Movement Of Handle Bars Powered Street Lamp typically works
Working Process
Theoretically, the workout procedure (by movement of handle bars) will produce that required magnitude of motion (and thus, kinetic energy), which in turn will be stored inside the fixture mechanism and then converted into electrical energy for the final effect – that is lighting. So, in simpler terms, the human ‘biological’ energy (in terms of calories) will finally and fascinatingly be converted to clean and green electricity. The lamp fixtures will also double up as exercising facilities for people. So, while taking their daily evening walk, one could just as easily use one of these fitness systems for his / her workout session.
Dynamo Rule
As the user movement of handle bars, the mechanical energy generated through their pedaling is transferred to a dynamo. A dynamo is a device that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy )
Light Design Concept
The designers have thought of using light emitting diodes (or better known as LEDs). Now, these semiconductor light sources have numerous advantages over conventional lighting systems. Firstly, they utilize the effect of electro-luminescence, which is directly related to the ability of free electrons to combine with ‘electron holes’ within the LED device to release photons (light particles). This phenomenon allows LEDs to be ubiquitously small in size, often less than 1 sq mm. Moreover, as compared to incandescent light sources, LEDs require lesser energy consumption and generally have longer lifetime with equal measure of hardiness.
When the street lamp needs to be illuminated, the stored electrical energy in the battery powers an LED light source. LED lights are energy-efficient and provide bright illumination, making them ideal for street lighting applications.
Illumination and Duration
The LED light source emits light, illuminating the surrounding area. The duration of the illumination depends on the amount of electrical energy stored in the battery. The more energy generated through movement of handle bars and stored in the battery, the longer the street lamp can remain illuminated.
Repeat and Recharge
As people continue to Air Walker Movement of handle bar, the dynamo converts their mechanical energy into electrical energy, replenishing the battery's charge. This allows the street lamp to operate continuously as long as people are actively movement of handle bars.
The Newt-Movement of handle bars Powered Street Lamp offers several advantages. It promotes sustainable living by utilizing human power and reducing reliance on fossil fuels. It can be particularly useful in areas with limited or unreliable access to electricity, providing a reliable and eco-friendly lighting solution. Additionally, it encourages physical activity as people can contribute to powering their community's street lights while exercising.