Hi everyone,
We're happy to announce the launch of the new MOVEin3D contest! Quite similar to the previous MadeIn3D contest, this new opus will be different in the way that it will be more specialized. You will need to submit an original 3D creation that has the particularity to be composed of several mechanically independent but not separable parts (no upper limit for parts number, but at least 2 of course). A simple example would be a ball bearing, the balls and the body being different moving parts. of course we don't expect every-day life objects to pop up from this contest, but real, original, funny, mind-struggling creations! The second constraint that must be taken into account would be to imagine your creation so that the final object is 3D-printable, taking account printing precision for gaps, etc...
Small reminder about how to participate for the newcomers (and the others who forgot since last episode !):
* create your 3D object with any CAD design tool existing. We can recommend you 3DVIA Shape which is a free tool, or if you have access to any other professional tools like SolidWorks, CATIA, etc... you are of course invited to use them for this contest. Remember about the moving parts criteria explained above !
* upload your 3D model in the media section of this community and tag it with "MOVEin3D" and "Mov'in3D" (to ensure the jury will find it easily later on).
* Create a blog post explaining your project in details (why you had this idea, what's the story behind, what would it be used for...) in the "blog" section of the community. The more details the better. This is NOT requested for the contest, but if you have a complex object which also has some separable parts, that would be good to explain how to mount it using 3DVIA Composer tool (you can get a free 30-day trial from http://www.3dviacomposer.com/try/request.php ). Remember that the "jury" will be the number of likes ON YOUR POST. So even if your 3D object is not the best or more original, the quality of the post will definitely count for the winner's election!!
* When the contest will be closed on Nov. 8th, the blog post with the more likes will be elected winner. If 2 or more posts have the same number of likes, the most original / the more 3D printable will be elected as winner. Same process for the first 2 runner-ups.
* The winner will get as a reward an ipad Mini, plus his object 3D printed. The 2 runner-ups will get their creation 3D printed.
For any legal information about this contest, please check https://swym.3ds.com/#media:69143 (French version) and https://swym.3ds.com/#media:69141 (English version).
Additional posts will be done if we have FAQ from the participants, but in the mean time, we wish you good luck in this contest!