Today we updated the production version to v2.5.0 🎉
Please give it a try and share any feedback in the comments below or email 👊
WELL DONE again to the @MakeByMe Team for providing another great update 👊
What's New
- It's now easy to make changes to your project using the new Replace feature
- Easily size your drawers to fit the frame using Smart Fit for Drawer structures
- You can now use Shape cut on furniture structures
Possibly one of the most requested enhancements, replace allows you to select a material and change its material, length and in the case of sheets the thickness.
Smart fit - Drawers
We added Smart fit in a previous release. We've now expanded it so it works for drawer structures.
Shape cut - Structures
Shape cut used to only work on one material at a time. Now you can select multiple material including structures which is great for cutting shapes from things like glue edge boards.
Other enhancements
- You can type expressions when moving material or the cut blade i.e. 180/2 to move it 90mm
- When you tap on something in community content, we now load the project plans including a 3D view of the project.