Need your help to design an awesome Eco-cooler for cars


I want to create an "ECO-COOLER" for cars.

What's and ECO-COOLER ? Just Google


ECO-COOLER is a mechanical cooler which doesn't need any electricity. The idea was born in Bangladesh where the weather is very hot and the electricity network very poor. The system is so simple, it works with plastic bottle : please look at the mock-up below. 

  The constriction compresses the air and temporarily increases the pressure and so temperature. 



Could we use this system for car ventilation ? I think we can do it. 

  • Is the fan will be enough powerful ? 
  • How many degree can we win ? 
  • Is the ventilator hole will be enough wide ? 
  • Could we simulate air flow ? 


  1. 3D Simulation and virtual Tests
  2. Print
  3. Test and optimization
  4. Print final version
  5. Create generic version for all cars



I need help for this project.

  1. Someone who can simulate the air flow and the object in 3D. 
  2. 3D printer


Please contact me if you are interested in. I'll be glad to make this project with someone.