I recently purchased a year subscription of 3DEXPERIENCE SOLIDWORKS Makers for \$99 USD.
The project:
Arduino UNO is a very popular electronics board used by makers. I decided to make an enclosure as easy but practical project to learn SOLIDWORKS. I have been using Dassault Systèmes solution for many years. Below are the links to several videos highlighting my journey. If you are inspired and would like to join forces and contribute, that would be amazing.
Please connect with me. Let's collaborate and Make stuff!!!
#1: 3DEXPERIENCE SOLIDWORKS Makers - First look - Simple Enclosure for Arduino Uno rev 3
#2: 3DEXPERIENCE, SOLIDWORKS and xDesign, pleas GrabCAD multi CAD
#3: 3DEXPREIENCE and SOLIDWORKS Markup and Review
#4: 3DEXPERIENCE on my iPhone
#5: 3DEXPERIENCE using my iPhone to review a markup created on my laptop #3: video posting
#6: 3DEXPERIENCE Arduino Box ready to 3D Print
#7: 3DEXPERIENCE Shop Floor Machining