MQTT connected radio

Overview of the project

The project aims at creating an internet radio managed through an MQTT bus (easy to connect to a home automation system)

An additional module will allow for alarm-clock functionality by monitoring a Google Calendar entry (or other calendars)

Help Needed

Below are the areas where I need help. Please contact me if you can help!

  • SolidWorks expertize to design a nice, reusable case (currently in OpenSCAD to quickly prototype)
  • Electronics know-how to fix issues with audio glitches


The radio is currently based on a C.H.I.P ( but could also run from a Raspberry Pi, or any other Linux based microcomputer. 

It is connected to a 4 Ohm speaker via a PAM8302 based mono audio amplifier (


[coming soon]


The main components, beside the OS are:

The calendar module can be a standalone script or (better) can be integrated with Home Assistant to trigger events via the HA API


 [coming soon]


[source file coming soon]

Current status

What works

  • MQTT connection
  • Events management
  • Streaming

What is missing

  • a good case
  • a review of the electronics
  • a mobile application (in the works, based on Vue.js)


The pre-alpha version.