MoveIn3D: CPU Usage driven V8 Engine DeskToy


CPU Usage Driven V8 engine Desk Toy 

G'day ALL,

I've had this idea in my mind for a very long time but never really got around to modelling it. Participating in this competition finally gave me a much needed deadline to complete the design. 

I love understanding and working on mechanisms. As a hobby I enjoy working on Arduino (embedded systems) projects as well. So I've tried to create a complex 3D Model complete with an V8 engine and a driver mechanism. This mechanism can be either manually driven or through a small electric motor. The electric motor will be controlled by an arduino.

The Arduino can fetch all sorts of Computer Status values like CPU Usage, RAM Usage etc. using a small utility called SMARTLCD.

I intend to fetch CPU Usage values and use them to drive the mechanism. Higher the CPU Usage, faster the mechanism will animate. This will also give an illusion that the reciprocating engine is powering the CPU. :)              


The mechanism consists of three main components:

(1) Driver mechanism (Manual or Motorized)

(2) Base rotation mechanism

(3) Reciprocating engine mechanism.


Check out a video of the operation... 

Some pics of the model:


There is a dedicated gear for the motor to be mounted on. However, it is not necessary and model can function just fine with manual inputs. This model is interactive and one can place their fingers on the outer disc and simply rotate it on either side for the mechanism to work.


I've always wanted a neat interactive scale model of an engine to keep on my desk. I think this will do a very good job.... :D

Thanks and do "like" the post if you .. well... liked the design! :)

Note: To ensure successful printing I have maintained a minimum of 0.5 mm clearance between all the different components.