Meetup #1 at Usine.IO

Meetup #1 at Usine.IO

On the 8th of January, the new place dedicated to all makers received his first meetup.

This meeting is mainly for schools, students, product designer, and interaction designer.

Let’s see what happens there

The scenographer, graphic artist and IHM designer Gregory Madison shared his very particular vision of the interaction between man and object.

Then Fabien Noyer (New Business Development & Ecosystem Strategy 3DS) spoke about the evolution of the 3D printing.

After that, Nicolas Trub explained how he designed his Cyclospace XXL.

Finally Benjamin Carlu, the founder of usine.IO went to explain how Usine.IO works during a visit of the place.  

The next meetup is schedule on the 03-03-2015 : Innovation & Design Produit #2, we hope to see you there.