Madein3D™ Contest 2012 Edition Winner

Our first 3D Print Ready Design Contest has ended, and we had some fanastic entries! We’d like to thank all the members who participated in the challenge,it was great to see all the talent out there. However as you all know, there can only be one winner and two runner ups. The winner will take home a brand new iPad 2 and a 3D print of their winning model from our friends at Sculpteo. The 2 runners up will be awarded a 3D print of their models from Sculpteo as well! And so with out futher introduction:

The winner of the Made in 3D Challenge is:


Nicolas Santos created a wireless lamp that shines in a unique pattern, recreating the symbol of Icarus in art-deco style. He also created a 3DVIA Scene to better illustrate the effect found here.

Congratulations Nicolas!