Little Eiffel tower for my desk

I was always fascinated by the beauty and engineering of the Eiffel Tower. This magnificent structure symbolizes "the art of modern engineering."

So, in order to have a model of "La dame de fer" (French for "Iron Lady") on my desk, I used the generative design tools available on the 3DExperience platform to produce a topology optimized model of the tower.

I used the Structural Generative Designer role to model the basic design space of the model, defined some basic load cases and boundary conditions, and ran a quick computation to optimize the topology while maximizing the stiffness of the structure.

I was able to achieve some interesting results.

I would love to have 3Dprints of the model 1 for myself and 3 other for gifting.

Basic design space model

Defining Load cases and Boundary conditions

Topology optimization computation

Exploring results

Results generation



