LightIn3D Contest : Peacock Lamp




Hi everyone =)

Here is my model for the lamp contest.

I was inspired by the gourd lamp and I revisited this concept with a "design" lamp.

The theme of peacock is very inspiring for me, I find it's beautiful when a peacock "make a wheel".

I try to create a sleek style, thus I contain my form into a perfect sphere. I try also to recall the lotus flower, because she inspire me a zen atmosphere.


I design my lamp with a Fablab 3D-Printer constraint because I want to creating a physical model and test this light effect in the reality.

I would like to create this effect thanks to a basic bulb, its a parasite effect but it's very cool !


So, I decided to project on the wall a lot of point to create a kind of fresco, like the tail of a peacock. Then, I wrap this fresco onto the "egg" form of the lamp.

I drew the fresco like a mystic legend that we find in a temple or a rune, the main theme is the creation of the universe.



The legend is :

1 Universe

2 guardians

4 Elements

2 Hosts

1 Cycle

The archaeologist Sir Thomas Bombadil has discovered in the ruins of an Egyptian temple this peacock lamp and he interprets this legend by :

"Before nothingness, beyond the soul, two guardian slept and stayed up on a the secret of the Creation. One is the key, the other is the lock. When the Nature want take back this duty and the four cataclysm of the apocalypse threaten the humanity, the sun and the moon become one and the gates of the Verity will be opened. Two human will have access to the secret of the Universe: one man and one woman. To the end of the apocalypse, they will know all the secret of the Universe in a particular place: the Arch of Eden. Then, they will have the power to recreate all the universe and begin a new cycle. The Man is his own Nemesis"


The final rendering of my lamp :

But, for a unknown reasons, my model become corrupt or faulty overnight =( So I lost all my data...

So I cannot finish my lamp but I make some screenshots during my light effect phase test.

[MAJ] I have a chance, I recover my model but is a dead model, so I try to print the model even if he isn't finish.

Here is my lamp prototypes.

Firstly, I make this prototypes by the classical high technology 3D-Printer. (during the cleaning of the lamp, the ridge was broken ^^)


The holes are stoppered because the scale of this lamp (scale 0.7) is undersized but we observe nevertheless the fresco.


So, I try to make another prototype with the 3D-Printer of FabLab (Initially, I optimized my model for this 3D-Printing process but because I lost my model, I haven't finished the optimization of the model). I wanted to separate the "egg" and the body and split the "egg" in two parts, but I take my chance to printing the whole model ^^ but it fails during the printing.


The 3D-Printer are tried to print the hole and personally, despite the low precision of the machine, it's not so bad ^^