Lamp custom support for bike

@GB was facing almost the same issue as all the cyclists : compatibility between brands.

A small lamp, Thor 1100, a Garmin GPS, but no support allowing to mount both at the same time.

A nice opportunity to demonstrate how to use 3D print to make a custom adapter!

First step, buying a support for the GPS allowing to attach something else, though not exactly compatible. He chooses Garmin's K-Edge combo which have a holder under the GPS.

Removing the native adapter of the lamp and taking some measurements to create the adapter in Catia was rather easy

25 minutes of print later, it was time to confirm it was fitting perfectly on the lamp

One night of bath to remove PVA, time to screw it on the KEdge:

That was a no brainer and demonstrates how having some CAD basics, and the opportunity to print something, can save time and money on such lack of standards across brands.

@TB feel free if you want to mention this modest build in your Slugme!