Inspired by the outcome of this project:
@SL and I decided to play Santa's Elf and create a few more keepsake boxes for all our nieces and nephews. Except this time due to timing, we decided to forego the combination spinners and focused more on the design. Having the model from the original design helped with the ideation process for the newer designs.
Some smaller engraved boxes with themes special to each person.
Also explored an idea for a wall mounted box with special doors. With these being a bit more shallow, Sal repurposed some oak floor boards we salvaged when we renovated our kitchen many years back. You can still see the nail holes left on the board that made up the frame of the box.
The canvas painting was done in acrylic paint. It depicts the four seasons an apple tree goes through starting with Spring (pink), Summer (green), Fall (yellow/orange), and Winter (blue). I had fun painting it and felt wonderful when it all came together well.