KAUST Beacon Madein3D

Hello everyone

Here is my part in Madein3D.

This is called "KAUST Breakwater Beacon". situated at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology Saudi Arabia.

Basically it's a tribute to the Daniel Tobin, Matthew Tobin and Jamie Perrow of UAP Principal (Australia). who are the design team of the project. Beacon’s complex structure is a collection of unique amorphous hexagonal sections stepping up out of the Red Sea into an elliptical spire.

It inspired me from first sight, So I copied it in Solidworks. and during this exercise I explored and learnt more than I thought about both Beacon and Solidworks.

then i printed it on Dimensions BST 1200es. Result was great. but due to break away support material possibility (which i have) it was broken.

in this post i'm pasting snaps of KAUST beacon, original, solid model and the printed one.


I want to have it printed at Fablab.