Joystick 3D Print for ergonomic validation

While I was working on the concept design of a joystick for an excavator cabin, I needed to prototype the first shape of the joystick for ergonomic validation. I already avoided a lot of design mistakes thanks to the application CATIA Human Design (allowing me to create the shape of the joystick in context of a human hand with postures) 

So I went to the FabLab @ Velizy Campus, and I received some help from @RS ​​​​​​​to identify the best 3Dprinter & 3DPrint material to create a first prototype : I only needed the external shape without any material appearance, to only concentrate on the shape itself and judge it. 

after the prototype were printed, I ran a couple of user test in my team to gather feedbacks on the comfort and usability of the actual joystick. Then I annotated the original 3D model for further shape edition with CATIA Natural Sketch. 

After that, I went back to clay modeling tools with CATIA Imagine&Shape to reshape the joystic, integrating all the feedbacks and issues I gathered. here the version 1 on the left, and the version 2 on the right. 

See the full story in the video teaser right here :
