First, I would like to introduce myself and tell you a little bit more about this so called project… What you are going to see is not as awesome as other projects, it’s basic and it’s obviously not what I wanted to do but let’s face it when you see that there is a new competition and that you can win an iPad, you jump on the occasion right? Without asking yourself if you’ll have time or not. This is what I did and I apparently did not finish. So don’t get me wrong please!


EDUCATION: ISC Business School

PROFESSION: Community Manager (Ass) – CATIA 3D MASTER community


THE BEFORE IDEA: « Great a new contest let’s do it”

My first idea was to do an Iron Man Helmet lamp that would display Jarvis! For the record, J.A.R.V.I.S. stands for “Just A Rather Very Intelligent System” and it’s a highly advanced computerized A.I. developed by Tony Stark to manage almost everything, especially matters related to technology.

1 - I wanted to engrave Jarvis on a glass like the picture below with the Jarvis logo (so I would have let a hole on the top of the helmet for the glass to fit) 



2 -  And put a blue LED inside the helmet 



And there is the final project; I did not have time to finish so this is pretty much what it looks like now it’s not epic compared to what I wanted to do but I wanted to share it with you guys! 



“A Genius, Playboy, Philanthropist”- Tony Stark

Lucille :)