(UPDATED 2021-10-13 : Assembly of three separate STL objects; see end of the post)
If you know French, you may know that while English-speaking people leapfrog, the French play "saute-mouton" (that means "leapsheep").
I decided this afternoon to make a 3D-printed ornamental bibelot for my desk, recycling the sheep I had modeled for a little animation loop contest a few weeks ago using Blender 2.93 software... So only the base of the object here was (quickly) modeled with SOLIDWORKS xDesign, then exported to STL.
Here is the STL model :(Sorry, the STL viewer rotated my model 90 degs : "X.M. 21" engraving is the underside of the base !)
@SR I hope this model is OK for 3D printing ? I'll try to visit you next week on Vélizy campus, possibly on Monday... Thanks in advance.
Here is the (silly) animation I had initially designed, from which I re-used the sheep model.
UPDATE : Now three separate STL objects... and some improvements.