I love to sketch cars....3D Coming soon!

Some of you might know my interest (can't say if it's a passion :P) in sketching cars. As a trained industrial designer, I began sketching after I joined Samsung Global Design and got the opportunity to work with international designers (original designers of Samsung Galaxy series) in Samsung Design HQ, Seoul and Samsung Design Delhi. 

I like quick sketches...

This one, below, was done in pencil, alcohol markers and black ball point pen.

For this one, I used Trotec Laser to cut two pieces of clear acrylic and sandwich the sketch between them. I could have done better in terms of finishing but it was my first time trying to avoid screws/clamps to hold two heavy pieces of acrylic (6mm thick) together. 

I created a cardboard jacket with a cut to insert the thumb and pull the artwork out. It came out well. 

These two acrylic stands (I painted blue on them) did the job well.

These days I don't get to sketch a lot, though, on occasions, I like to throw some pencil and alcohol markers on paper. BTW, Adrian van Hooydonk (BMW) has been a huge inspiration to me as a desiger.