HPI RS4 #2 Revival

Imagine the 90s and a kid passionate about rc cars... Well Im that kid and Im still wearing flared trousers :)

Ive aged a bit though and so did my model, that's why I've started a restoration program per se.

Took me awhile finding bits and bots than getting the engine pulling through as you can imagine.

One thing brings to another, not only Ive got it running but Ive also started having meet-ups with other dudes. We started racing and all, till the point where it got all serious and we just became more and more competitive. Which is awesome really. Remember Senna v. Prost, not even close. At that point Ive started building a second one as well, so you know I properly set my opponents to oblivion and then humiliate them more and more again till they beat their wife, become alcoholics and ask me for mercy . You know, just classic me.

At that scale the aerodynamic is very important and Ive started messing around with the front spoiler and the back end spoiler to get better turns and grip on flat lines. Which turned out to be true, a small change and the car would react entirely differently. So Ive build more and more card board spoilers and tried out several bodies to find the right spot to make my cars go as fast as they could, not to mention that there are both identical so i would just copy and past whatever works for one to the other.

Ive mess around as much as i could with what ever was available. The results were pretty decent.

In comparison to this for example which looks incredible but is ineffective. It's a massive drag ^^, i couldn't even take a turn properly.

When I was finally kind of ready I've started making rough sketches that Ive started sharing my research with @JM , the greatest product designer I know. He was skeptical on many of my choices and we then restarted from scratch.

He just looked at my poorly made sketches and took them to the next level, adding bits and bots to make, not only a difference in term of performance but also turning me into Vin Diesel in Fast and Furious; I cut my hair at that point too and start asking people to call me Dom;


At this point Ive decided to use a top body and add a rear diffuser and a front blade to manage the air flow.

@JM ​​​​​​​started making the 3D for the front and the rear using several CATIA solutions including GDE, Solidworks, freestyle etc...

We then printed the two elements. Big up to @JV ​​​​​​​for helping us setting the printer.

Note: Ive added carbon stickers on it, just because.

Here are the elements mounted.

And here is the final look with the body on. I will have a test run soon and will add more videos.

Here below the 3D:

Keep in touch.

First test drive:
