How to open Solidworks without also having to open a webpage

I renewed my Solidworks subscription and was forced into this 3DExperience garbage. Now, every time I want to run SW, it has to open the 3DExperience website first. Besides this being unnecessary, I sometimes lose internet connection at my home, and that is often the best time for me to work on a project, with less distractions and not much else to do. With this "update", I can no longer do this. I tried activating Offline mode in SW, but I am apparently not allowed to do this. Instead of the 30 days I saw other people having the option for, I have to input a number between 0 and 0. I get 0 days offline usage. If my internet is EVER out, I cannot use this *checks notes* "3D modeling software" that should require zero internet usage to use. I need to be able to open this program without internet connection. It's insane that I cannot do this now. This might be the single stupidest thing I've seen a company do in a long time and honestly Inventor is looking better every day just to get away from the clowns at Dassault. Please help in any way you can. I am frustrated.