For those new to 3D modeling or just want a fun little project to do in xDesign this weekend, this project from OurNextMake is for you! If you have a multi-color 3D printer, this project can be printed out fully finished. Otherwise, stay tuned to the end to see a neat trick to help you customize and apply colors to your creation.
Check out the quick video on this project or read on for the written description.
Pixel Art Tutorial
The Design
To get started, you can find inspiration from online searches or for those brave enough, grab some graph paper and sketch out a design. Try to keep it within a reasonable amount of pixels. I did mine within a 16x16 grid.
Modeling in xDesign
If you are not familiar with xDesign, it is a browser-based parametric 3D modeling tool available from Dassault Systemes SOLIDWORKS. I have a maker version I run on my Mac. It's been a great way to help me ideate and visualize my design ideas in 3D.
To begin, I start a new component in xDesign. | |
Select a plane and start a sketch. | |
Sketch a 1/8th inch (0.125 in) square. | |
Under the 'Feature' tab in the action bar at the bottom of the screen, find the Extrude command and set the distance to 0.125 in. | |
Use the 'Linear Patter' command and set the spacing to 0.125 in and 16 instances in both directions. | |
Remember to Save your work | |
Open up the Linear Pattern feature and select the 'Skip Instances" option in the Advanced section at the bottom of the dialog. | |
Toggle off the pixels you want to remove and accept the command. | |
Turn on the Color tool. Select the faces you want to color and choose the appropriate colors for the selected faces. | |
If your design requires the original block to be removed, use the 'Delete Body' comand in the Feature tab. | |
Remember to Save | |
If you have a single color 3D printer, you can use this trick to make a print with grid lines to then add paint color to. Roll back the model before the linear pattern. | |
Add another extrusion using the original square sketch. Then switch the extrusion type from Solid to Thin. | |
Check the printer settings for layer width. Then make sure to enter the right wall thickness in the thin extrusion dialog. Then accept the extrusion. | |
Roll back the feature tree to see the new border applying to all the blocks. | |
Export a STEP file to use in the 3D Printing slicer. We used our Bambu Labs P1S printer with 4 colors in the AMS. I painted each block face using the colors in the printer. The print turned out perfect! |
With the waffled design for single color filament prints, you can use all sorts of coloring material to fill in the divots. Acrylic paint or permanent markers would work. I chose to use nail polish as almost like resin to fill the gaps. This had an interesting effect. It dried quikly and provided a high gloss finish that was smooth to the touch. I think it looks rather jewel-like. I could probably make a cool set up earrings with this 😄
I hope you had fun with this project. I've added the files I created for this project below if you need it for reference. This is created on my Maker license. So you may not be able to open it in your commercial or education licenses. Otehrwise, you can follow the steps above to make your own.