Honey, I need an adjustable stand for my laptop.

There are few things more satisfying in life than being able to meet the needs of your loved ones. I think it may be one of the driving forces that makes the Makers Community so unique.

​​​​​​​My wife does a lot of online research at a stand up desk, and asked if I could make her an adjustable laptop stand. So, I popped into SOLIDWORKS and started the design process. We are both musicians, so I wanted to incorporate that into the design somehow. I used an image of a lyre as a sketch picture to trace the design for the platform. I designed all the parts to be made on my 3D printer without any support material. Zero waste! I like to use hardware in my designs, and especially like using brass inserts and making my own knobs. I used little rubber feet to provide traction and stability. You'll notice one of the images is produced with Visualize because, why not! She loves the laptop stand as she can position it exactly where she wants it! This was a great little project, check out the images of this fun build.